Reactional Hair Loss
Telegoen Effluvium, commonly known as Reactional Hair Loss, refers to increased hair shedding due to stress, trauma or severe illness. Physical or emotional stress can trigger hair loss whether people are predestined to lose their hair or not. The effects are usually not permanent, however for people with hereditary hair loss, stress can speed up the process.
The stress experienced is usually quite severe for it to cause hair loss, such as the loss of a loved one, severe illness, drastic weight loss, or emotional stress. You may notice excessive hair shedding 4 weeks to 3 months after an illness, major surgery, or traumatic event.
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Why does this happen? The body simply shuts down production of hair during periods of stress since it is not necessary for survival and instead devotes its energies toward repairing vital body functions. These conditions cause hair to shift rapidly into a resting phase, meaning you will see less new hair growth. A normal amount of hair typically will appear after the growth phase resumes. This means that the total hair loss and regrowth cycle can last 6 months or possibly longer when induced by physical and emotional stress. However, for people with hereditary hair loss, stress may speed up the hair loss process and your hair may not return to the fullness you desire.
There are other health conditions which may go undetected that can contribute to hair loss. They include anemia, low blood count and thyroid abnormalities. These conditions can be detected by a simple, inexpensive blood test.
Reactional Hair Loss can also occur after childbirth. At about the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus uses a significant portion of its mother’s amino acids. Consequently, between 3 months and 1 year post childbirth, the mother may experience a significant loss of hair.
We offer solutions for various forms and levels of hair loss, including reactional hair loss at our Mississauga clinic. Our Certified Trichologist will assess your hair and scalp profile and provide a custom hair loss treatment at our Toronto clinic to address your specific condition. The treatment plans for reactional hair loss at our Mississauga clinic may include one or more of the following depending on the level and type of hair loss: